What are the types of outdoor lighting?
An investment in lighting provides a return on investment in the form of several valuable benefits, ranging from an improvement in security and safety to an enhancement in aesthetic appeal. There are many outdoor lighting options available, and your choice of one will depend on the objectives you wish to accomplish with the illumination. Look through this article to find more information about the many kinds of lighting systems and the places that require them.
The light from floodlights can be directed in a specified direction by rotating the beam, which has an adjustable angle. Installation options include embedding them in the earth or mounting them on walls, poles, or other structures. LED floodlights have a longer lifespan than fluorescent or halogen lamps, consuming significantly less energy. Outdoor floodlights are typically used to direct light onto a stationary object, such as a flagpole or monument, or to highlight broad areas, such as parks, sports fields, playgrounds, and parking spaces. Other prominent applications for floodlights include these.
Floodlights can aid increase safety by providing a means for individuals to identify possible risks that can cause them to trip or fall. This is accomplished by illuminating previously dark areas and flooding them with light. In addition, floodlights can deter criminal activity, vandalism, and property damage. The presence of solutions like outdoor lighting will lower the crime rate.
Full-size LED wall packs emit a light that is clear and brilliant, and they may rapidly achieve their maximum brightness. They use light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which have a longer lifespan than wall packs that contain other bulbs, like compact fluorescent or high-pressure sodium, and consume substantially less energy. They also give off negligible heat and have a high tolerance for temperature swings and dampness. Classic lighting wall packs are frequently replaced on industrial and commercial properties with wall-mounted outdoor fixtures.
Locations that make use of floodlights
- Carparks, driveways and sidewalks
- Large places for outdoor activity
- Facilities such as stadiums and sporting grounds
- Signage and billboards
Motion sensor lights
Any lighting can have a photocontrol or motion sensor added to it to help with lighting control and management. When something triggers the motion sensor, it causes the illumination to turn on for a predetermined time after the light is initially activated. Because the light is only kept on for a few minutes at a time, this is not only an excellent safety and security measure, but it also helps save money on electricity.
The photocontrol or photocell is analogous to a timer and is most frequently located on lights used in parking lots. When it gets dark, the lights switch on, and they turn out again when the sun begins to rise in the morning. In addition, photocells find widespread application in the field of outdoor illumination. Adjusting the built-in timers allows you to determine how long you want the lights to remain once the motion sensor detects activity.
Where lights with motion sensors are installed
- Parking Lots, Parking Garages, and Alleyways
- Walkways
- Exits and entrances
Spotlights cast concentrated light that highlights a particular feature, drawing attention to it for purposes including aesthetics, navigation, and safety. They enable you to focus light on a particular location while preventing the spread of light to surrounding areas.
Where spotlights are utilised
- Near signs and entrances
- To draw attention to specific architectural or landscape features.
- In the neighbourhood of swimming pools, fountains, ponds, and waterfalls
- Along footpaths
How to determine which lighting is best
When choosing suitable outdoor lighting, the first step is to plan what you require to accomplish. Fixtures intended to emphasise a structure’s architectural characteristics are not the same as fixtures designed to improve a building’s safety and security. When you have a clear idea of the goals you want your lights to help you receive, you can choose the right fixtures to achieve those objectives.